Friday, January 7, 2011

God's Provisions

We are often amazed at how God blesses us in small and big ways.

Many times in the past years, God has provided something for us as we were thinking that it would be nice to have.  One example a few years ago was our piano.  Our first 8 years of marriage we were in such small homes that we didn't have room for one.  Then as we were living in our current home, Angie was mentioning how much she would love to have piano.  We thought that we would start to save for one.  Then we got a call that some good friends of ours were moving out of Wichita and they wanted to give us their piano!!  We were so shocked and overwhelmed by that gift.  Angie has since filled our home with so much music and praises. (Thanks Paul & Kay!)

We recently had another blessing.  Ethan has wanted a loft in his bedroom and we heard of someone selling their old one from college and we only have to pay $20.  So tomorrow we are going to pick it up at Tabor.

We are so grateful for how the Lord takes care of us!

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