Friday, February 21, 2014

February Prayer Letter - Story of Deliverance

Here is our February Prayer letter.

One key aspect of Christ the Victor Fire will be deliverance ministry.  In urban ministry, there is a continual spiritual battle.  It is clear that the enemy wants to “steal and kill and destroy” (John 10.10).  But praise God that “the reason the Son of God appeared was to destroy the works of the devil” (1 John 3.7).

Recently, there was an all-night prayer vigil at Lighthouse, our former church plant.  During the previous all-night prayer vigil at that church, God did dramatic things.  As we started the night, there was an expectation that God was going to show up and do something powerful again.

Sometimes prayer is hard work.  You labor through it.  On this night, the Spirit of God was evident; and the time was flowing and moving fast.  After several hours of prayer, Pastor Jerry and I did some special deliverance and inner healing prayer with several people.  One by one, people confessed sin and struggles they were having in living a full and victorious life.

One particular woman, whom we prayed over for a long time, seemed to have received freedom from the Lord over issues in her life; but there was still something blocking full healing.  At one point, there was a bigger group praying over her.  I was leading the prayer time with her and leading her through some areas of forgiveness and working through past issues.  Pastor Jerry led the others to walk around us and pray silently.  That was almost as if they were marching around the walls of Jericho to help bring freedom from the enemy in the walls of her life.

There was a clear moment when there was release.  I prayed that the Lord would fill her anew with the Spirit; suddenly, peace and joy came over her.  She started to worship and praise God.  She then told me that she was feeling the love that she had looked for her whole life!  Praise God!

Stories like this motivate me even more to pray for God to deliver and free people.  I firmly believe that God is going to move in powerful ways in the years to come through our church-planting movement, Christ the Victor (CTV).  I believe that we are going to see churches birthed and led by urban leaders in cities across our Midwest Region.  CTV Fire will be committed to training leaders how to pray, how to seek the Lord, and how to deliver those who are held in bondage.

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