Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Men's conference in California

On Friday, I am heading out to California for the weekend to attend World Impact's urban men's conference where Dr. Don Davis is speaking. I will be traveling with him to help with different logistics, shoot video, and get different testimonies from men attending the conference.

I am very honored for the opportunity to attend and serve.  Below, you can see the logo for the conference and an email that Bob Engel sent out for prayer. Bob, a long-time WI missionary and now serves in L.A. is running the conference at The Oaks Camp which is a World Impact camp near Lake Hughes, CA.  Please join us in prayer for this weekend.

There are two kingdoms in conflict.  One of these rulers is God Sovereign Almighty, the Lord of the Heavenly Armies, who’s Kingdom will rule overall.  The other is the Prince of the power of this world, the god of this age.  His purpose is to rule and to reign and his priority is to keep in bondage the souls of men by keeping their minds blinded to the Gospel Good News of redemption in Jesus Christ of Nazareth.  Though Jesus has defeated this prince the battle continues to rage around the world including our urban centers where Satan seems to have a lock down on men.  But God is ever on the move in this War of the Worlds.  His Kingdom continues to expand and advance in the hearts of men and releasing these men, who were once bound by this prince of evil, to take their cities back for God. 

Please join us in praying for a mighty move of His Spirit during our upcoming weekend, June 8th -10th, at THE OAKS:

  1. Last year we had 243 men attend.  This year we are bursting at the seams with 416 men representing 26 different urban churches and ministries.  Pray that every soul who hasn’t submitted to the Lordship of Jesus will submit and that every man who is a believer but needing a word of encouragement would hear that word and run with it.  We are believing that there are men the Spirit is calling to pastor new churches that they will establish for His glory. 
  2. Pray for Dr. Don Davis who will be preaching the Word.  May it go forth in His power and might.
  3. THE OAKS staff and leadership always take great care of us.  Pray for blessing and strength upon them…especially the kitchen crew.  There will be some massive eaters there this weekend.  We may need to pray that the food be multiplied like the fish and loaves.
  4. The enemy always flee’s when the Church of the Living God worships.  Pray for our worship team, CONVERGE.  Pray that Don Lee will hear from the Spirit of the Lord clearly as he leads the men in triumph through praise. 
  5. We have 108 men who speak only Spanish.  We will be together and the Lord has blessed us with a dear brother to translate the quick words of Dr. Davis.  That is quite the task, but Oscar Martinez is our servant.  Pray for his voice and strength. 
  6. Pray for safety in travel and in all the activities at THE OAKS.  I can just imagine what paintball is going to be like with all that testosterone moving throughout the camp. 

The Kingdom of God continues to expand and advance.  The Spirit of the Lord is moving and His Banquet table will be filled with 100’s of thousands from our inner city’s.  Thanks for joining us in His work through your prayers.